Automatic Interview Notes and Candidate Insights That Actually Help.
Get valuable insights from every job interview for faster, smarter hiring

Trusted by thousands of interviewers

Candidate Summary
Smart summaries extract key elements from an interview and provide a succinct synopsis of the candidate.

Potential Strengths and Concerns
Save time with extracted potential strengths and concerns that you can edit, delete, or add to before sharing

Interview Coverage
See how much of the job description topics the interview discussion covered, to determine thoroughness and areas to review next.

Question and Answer Summaries
Extract and organize questions asked along with useful summaries of the candidate response. See if the right questions were covered.

Candidate Attributes
Get a deeper understanding of the candidate with summaries leadership qualities, teamwork, interests, and expectations.

Quantitative Experience
Highlight quantitative experience and KPIs, to help identify important accomplishments or performance metrics.

Action Items
Detect and extract potential action items so you don’t miss any important follow-ups.

Topics Discussed
Quickly see what skill, job function, industry, and title topics were discussed during the conversation, and how often

Highlighted Transcripts
Get a detailed transcript with highlighted topics for any type of interview, including video, phone, and even in-person.

Go Beyond Transcripts with Amazing Notes and Insights
Candidate Summary
Smart summaries extract key elements from an interview and provide a succinct synopsis of the candidate.

Potential Strengths and Concerns
Save time with extracted potential strengths and concerns that you can edit, delete, or add to before sharing

Interview Coverage
See how much of the job description topics the interview discussion covered, to determine thoroughness and areas to review next.

Question and Answer Summaries
Extract and organize questions asked along with useful summaries of the candidate response. See if the right questions were covered.

Candidate Attributes
Get a deeper understanding of the candidate with summaries leadership qualities, teamwork, interests, and expectations.

Quantitative Experience
Highlight quantitative experience and KPIs, to help identify important accomplishments or performance metrics.

Action Items
Detect and extract potential action items so you don’t miss any important follow-ups.

Topics Discussed
Quickly see what skill, job function, industry, and title topics were discussed during the conversation, and how often

Highlighted Transcripts
Get a detailed transcript with highlighted topics for any type of interview, including video, phone, and even in-person.

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Invite us to your next interview to get smart AI notes and valuable candidate insights.
What our customers are saying

Alice Viego
Director, Talent Acquisition, DLP Capital
With their cutting-edge technology and personalized approach, HireLogic has completely transformed the way businesses vet candidates, I cannot stress enough how highly I recommend HireLogic to any organization that wants to supercharge their hiring process and achieve unparalleled efficiency and success.

Ben LoPiccolo
Operations Manager, BrightFlag Recruiting
HireLogic really helps when I'm recruiting for several roles at once, especially when I'm trying to remember which candidate said what at the end of the day. It simplifies the process of getting notes and highlights together from my interviews...