Intelligently and responsibly prioritize applicants for interviews.

Simply drag and drop candidate resumes for instant matching across multiple job dimensions.

Drag and Drop Resumes or Import from ATS

Simply drag and drop any PDF or DOC resumes select a folder to load, or automatically import directly from your ATS.

Smarter, Multi-Dimensional Matching

Get smarter matching beyond simplistic keywords, across multiple dimensions such as job functions, skills, and industry.

Candidate Prioritization Assistance

Start reviewing the most likely to fit applicants based on job fit. Determine who to interview first with more efficiency and less bias.

Easily Prioritize Candidates in a Bias-Free, Smarter Way

Drag and Drop Resumes or Import from ATS

Simply drag and drop any PDF or DOC resumes select a folder to load, or automatically import directly from your ATS.

Smarter, Multi-Dimensional Matching

Get smarter matching beyond simplistic keywords, across multiple dimensions such as job functions, skills, and industry.

Candidate Prioritization Assistance

Start reviewing the most likely to fit applicants based on job fit. Determine who to interview first with more efficiency and less bias.

Try HireLogic for free

Enabling remote interviews with structured smart data capture

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