Modern hiring supported by objective data and AI

A platform built by recruiters for intuitive and efficient hiring, harnessing responsible AI

Our Team Members

Anirban Chakrabarti “AC”
Chief Executive Officer
An experienced technology entrepreneur and CEO with proven operating capability from early-stage startup to exit.
Richard Mendis
Chief Marketing Officer
Enterprise software executive with proven results across multiple venture backed startups and large public companies.
Vivek Gupta
Chief Product Officer
Digital innovation leader and entrepreneur experienced in ideating, managing and delivering innovative software products and solutions.
Peter Vaclavik
Chief Technology Officer
Technology enthusiast and visionary with more than 20 years of experiences in research, development, innovations and mentoring.

Our Board Members

Anirban Chakrabarti “AC”

CEO and Board Member

An experienced technology entrepreneur and CEO with proven operating capability from early-stage startup to exit.

Noam Eisenberg

Board Member

Noam Eisenberg is a Senior Partner and the Global Technology Practice Leader and Middle East Region Leader with Kingsley Gate Partners.

Our ambition is to build the most innovative and helpful tools to support hiring decisions

Extract Insights from Every Interview

Every interview has valuable insights you may be missing, to make better hiring decisions.

Improve the Interview Experience 

Enable interviewers to better engage candidates with question guides and smart notes.

Make Better Hiring Decisions

Get objective data from every interview to make better, unbiased hiring decisions.

Reduce Turnover

Determine indicators during the interview process that predict longer tenure and better performance.