Enable interviewers to engage and evaluate candidates consistently.

Run better interviews so you can evaluate candidates faster and more objectively

Trusted by thousands of interviewers

Smart Interview Guides

Generate smart interview questions for any position, and save them as interview guide templates

AI-Powered Notes and Insights

Get a transcript along with AI-powered notes and insights in any interview mode, including in-person or hiring events

Capture Ratings and Notes

Optionally capture ratings or responses on any question and enable manual note taking at a question or overall level

Instant Aggregate Ratings

Roll up ratings across candidates, interviewers, and questions for quick, at-a-glance comparisons

Compare Candidates

Select two or more candidates to go deeper into comparisons of ratings, notes, and other information

Run Better Interviews for Faster and Smarter Hiring

Smart Interview Guides

Generate smart interview questions for any position, and save them as interview guide templates

AI-Powered Notes and Insights

Get a transcript along with AI-powered notes and insights in any interview mode, including in-person or hiring events

Capture Ratings and Notes

Optionally capture ratings or responses on any question and enable manual note taking at a question or overall level

Instant Aggregate Ratings

Roll up ratings across candidates, interviewers, and questions for quick, at-a-glance comparisons

Compare Candidates

Select two or more candidates to go deeper into comparisons of ratings, notes, and other information

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Invite us to your next interview to get smart AI notes and valuable candidate insights.

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Enabling remote interviews with structured smart data capture